Monday, November 12, 2012

"A" Day is Approaching

Thursday is Adoption Day. This is the most nervous I have ever been to simply write a blog post. The commitment complications that come with Adoption Day are kin to wedding jitters, birthing and prison sentences.

The court date excites me, when the date materialized....the kids normalized....or seem to. Alas, the exposure of my flip-flop-pancake-deceitful heart to the beady-eyed reading world is scarier than the outcome of the last election. I cower at your correct assumptions of my motives.

State of scaredy-cattedness aside, I long to tell you how we came to be a well flipped golden-browned syrup doused pastry of love. Ha. A few burned edges....maybe. Lumpy too.

It all started when a gaggle of broken beauties descended upon the DFW area to storm troop through garage sales, giggle over crack on a cracker and rub each others feet. The gathering of girlfriends.......sometimes a feline festival of falsehood but this time a holy communion. Noses to the carpet in deep prayer, a much-judged friend paves a path for me. She uses her machete like a jungle tour guide to hack down the difficulties of foster care and adopting kids you barely like. She commits while I offer her an escape route. Now my journey is not as hard....for She-Ra has gone before me.

Oh women of God. Ann Voskamp is so right that we are tied tightly by grace veins. Restricting one another and unclogging blockages to allow free flowing life-blood at the same time. Blessing and cursing. How you sustain me.

This coven of prophetess' was not the only bucket of water thrown on our fire. Our church offered counseling to any expense, our neighbors offered life lines when drowning and a newly licensed foster family offered whatever it would take. We accepted this team support and we are moving forward with both children and are genuinely happy to be doing so. Happy is a silly word, it's a transient as the beggars on 183. Maybe consoled. Our wounds have constant attention by loving nurses and our doubts are prayed away as quickly as they haunt and re-haunt.

Careys, Martins, Bonsers, Hutchins, Spears, Hookstras, Vickerys, HCBRR: The great 8 that allowed us no escape.

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