Monday, September 5, 2011

Blooming Love Flowers

Sweet Holy Moses, things are good again. I'm not gonna get to wordy and flowery with this post. But know that I am smelling Peonies in the air far more than poopy attitude (my own). Inspired by my dear friend, JoNeel, I am making you a list of the amazing qualities my big kids possess:

1. They NEVER sass me or talk back (not to my face or that I have ever seen)

2. They almost always say please and thank you

3. More times than not, they respond with Yes Ma'am (perhaps out of fear, but nonetheless)

4. They make their beds without being told (thanks to
Accountable Kids

5. They are not smelly children

6. She never complains when I tug and pull and sometimes rip out her hair (because I'm still learning how to manage black hair)

7. He has started saying I love you in clever ways so he doesn't have to say it out loud

8. They LOVE their baby sisters

9. They almost never argue or fight with each other

10. She is infinitely patient with her brother

11. He is oh-so-gentle and kind to his baby sisters

12. They share everything they have with no regard for any item's safety (toys often destroyed by little ones and they never complain)

13. They actually verbalize how much they love living in our house and with our family.

14. They have no longing or attachment to bio family (sad, but let's get real....that only makes things harder on everyone)

15. They offer to help one another with tasks (seriously! It's unreal)

16. Have you seen these flippin' kids? They are drop dead gorgeous. (sometimes I forget this and sometimes I am enamored by it)

17. They would rather spend time as a family than alone or watching TV (yes, I know it won't last)

18. She follows directions very well and makes STRONG efforts to grow in character, skill and strength

19. They read the Bible and memorize verses (not voraciously, but still....)

20. They are almost ours.

So there. Whining be gone. My kids rock and I suck. But love is growing again and God is revealing my dark side by giving me a sunny side.

Check out this blog post. It's my mantra for the week.

How to mop for Jesus’ sake


  1. I love my daughter more than anything in the world but there are days I wonder how much I can get for her on the black market. ;) Don't beat yourself up; every parent (and child) has their good and bad days. You love them and that's what matters!

  2. Oh friend- so beautiful. Have not been able to shake our short conversation at Steph's. So thankful for you and your honesty and your determined spirit. You are doing beautiful things.


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